Charm Person is a level 1 Arcane spell from the Enchantment school, that temporarily causes a human-like creature to be under the caster's control.
“ | This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term “person” includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, lizard men, orcs, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter could be charmed, but an ogre could not. The person receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. If the save is failed, the victim regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The caster may give him/her orders, and the charmed individual will carry them out without question.
No charmed creatures may leave the area or attack non-hostile targets. |
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— Original Game |
“ | This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs, pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level Fighter could be charmed, but an ogre could not. The person receives a Save vs. Spell to avoid the effect.
If the spell recipient fails his/her Save vs. Spell, he/she regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. The caster may give him/her orders, and the charmed individual will carry them out as quickly as possible. If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed person by some overt action, or if a Dispel Magic is successfully cast upon the charmed person, the charm spell is broken. If two or more charm effects simultaneously affect a creature, the most recent charm takes precedence. Note that the subject has full memory of the events that took place while he/she was charmed. Also note that you cannot have a charmed creature leave the area where he/she was charmed. |
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— Enhanced Edition |
Allows the caster to take full control of a humanoid target for 1 turn if they fail a Save vs. Spell, so that it can be used to attack, cast spells, or in some cases be spoken to for additional dialogue.
The following restrictions apply:
- Attacking or harming the charmed creature will cause the spell to be broken,
- The charmed creature remembers all events from the charmed period,
- The charmed creature cannot leave the area,
- If multiple charm effects are applied to the same creature, the most recent effect takes precedence.
Starting Spells[]
- As a level 1 spell, Mages and Sorcerers are able to select this spell as one of their starting spells during Character generation
Level up[]
- At levels 3, 5, and 7, Sorcerers are able to select an additional level 1 arcane spell to add to their known spells
- Sold by Orrick the Gray, in the Tower of Orrick the Gray, Kuldahar
External links[]
- Charm Person article on the Baldur's Gate Wiki, a wiki for the Baldur's Gate games.
- Charm person article on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms