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Color Spray is a level 1 Arcane spell from the Alteration school, that temporarily incapacities creatures within a cone area.


This spell creates a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from the caster's hand. From one to six creatures within the area are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All creatures in the area above the level of the caster or ones that have greater than 6 Hit Dice (or are greater than 5th level) must make a saving throw vs. spells. The spell's effects depend on the caster - creatures with Hit Dice/levels less than or equal to the caster are knocked unconscious for 2-8 turns, those with Hit Dice/levels one or two greater than the wizard are blinded for 1-4 turns, and any other creatures are stunned for 1 turn.

— Original Game

This spell creates a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from the caster's hand. Creatures within the area are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All creatures in the area above the level of the caster or ones that have greater than 6 Hit Dice must make a Save vs. Spell. The spell's effects depend on the caster - creatures with Hit Dice/levels fewer than or equal to the caster are knocked unconscious (do not awaken when struck) for 5 rounds, those with Hit Dice/levels one or two greater than the wizard are blinded for 3 rounds, and any other creatures are stunned for 1 round.

Blind creatures are unaffected by the color spray.

— Enhanced Edition


Original Game[]

The caster summons forth bright magic colors in a cone, reaching out 20[verify] feet. Anyone inside the cone will suffer one of the following temporary negative effect based on their level in relation to the caster:

  • Creatures with Hit Dice/levels fewer than or equal to the caster are knocked unconscious (do not awaken when struck) for 2d4 turns.
  • Those with Hit Dice/levels one or two greater than the wizard are blinded for 1-4 turns.* Any other creatures are stunned for 1 turn.

Creatures above the level of the caster, those with greater than 6 Hit Dice, or those above level 5, receive a Save vs. Spell to negate any effect to themselves.

Enhanced Edition[]

The caster summons forth bright magic colors in a 90 degree cone, reaching out 29 feet. Anyone inside the cone will suffer one of the following temporary negative effect based on their level in relation to the caster:

  • Creatures with Hit Dice/levels fewer than or equal to the caster are knocked unconscious (do not awaken when struck) for 5 rounds.
  • Those with Hit Dice/levels one or two greater than the wizard are blinded for 3 rounds.* Any other creatures are stunned for 1 round.

Creatures above the level of the caster, or those with greater than 6 Hit Dice, receive a Save vs. Spell to negate any effect to themselves. Blind creatures are immune.


Starting Spells[]

  • As a level 1 spell, Mages and Sorcerers are able to select this spell as one of their starting spells during Character generation

Level up[]


External links[]
