Icewind Dale Wiki

Floor 3 of Corellon Tower (officers tower) is the former officers quarters of the Hand.


Long ago, before the fall of the Hand of the Seldarine, the officers of the Hand lived here.


Left staircase: up to floor 4 (arboretum)
Right staircase: back down to floor 2


The level has 5 hostile creatures, regardless of the difficulty setting:

Creature type Count Loot
Shadowed Elven Officer (lvl 7) 5 -

*) These 12 as part of an ambush – see below.

Each time you rest here, up to 4 additional swordsmen (lvl 6) can spawn.


No traps or ambushes.

Lootable containers[]

Container Content
shelf at (880, 620)
in bottom-right room
chest at (850, 500)
in right room
shelf at (580, 340)
in top room
  • 1 gem
    • Waterstar Gem (20% chance)
    • Ziose Gem (20% chance)
    • Chrysoberyl Gem (20% chance)
    • Star Diopside Gem (20% chance)
    • Shandon Gem (20% chance)
shelf at (880, 620)
in left room