Icewind Dale Wiki

Custhantos is a shadowed elf, and former librarian of the Hand of the Seldarine.


He walks around in the library of Labelas Tower in the Severed Hand.


During the days of the Hand of the Seldarine, he managed the library of the Hand.

When the Hand fell to an orc and goblin invasion, he and many other inhabitants were turned into undead shadowed elves by Larrel's failed attempt to place a protective mythal.

Unlike most of the other shadowed elves, Custhantos has retained much of his mind. However, he is incapable of recognizing that he is undead – so he continues his routine of stocking bookshelves.


If you talk to him and express interest in his books, he gives you every book from his collection that you ask for. The available books are:

Book Comment
Book icon IWDEE Worship in the Hand of the Seldarine
Book icon IWDEE "Rock Eaters" They are Not!
Book icon IWDEE Ancient Lore on Corellon Larethian
Book icon IWDEE Ancient Lore on Shevarash
Book icon IWDEE Ancient Lore on Sehanine Moonbow
Book icon IWDEE Ancient Lore on Labelas Enoreth
Book icon IWDEE Ancient Lore on Solonor Thelandira
Book icon IWDEE Elameth's Compendium Was also checked out Maiden Ilmadia [spoilers!]
Book icon IWDEE Ecology of the Unicorn Was also checked out Maiden Ilmadia [spoilers!]
Book icon IWDEE Code of Training in the Seldarine's Hand
Book icon IWDEE Hippogriff Riders of the Hand
Book icon IWDEE Lore of the Bladesingers
Book icon IWDEE Mythal Theory Quest item for the quest Mythal lore.

For two of the books, Custhantos remarks that a mysterious female elven warrior (who was quite rude and not a member of the Hand of the Seldarine), recently took a copy of them, too. The contents of those books combined with the clues from Presio's War Journal found in chapter 2, make it clear that the woman is Maiden Ilmadia [spoilers!] (although at this point in the game nothing else is known about her).

If you insult his library, Custhantos brushes you off (but you can simply talk to him again to start over).
