Denaini is a shadowed elf, and former acolyte priestess of the Hand of the Seldarine.
She stands in the middle of floor 1 (the elven shrine level) of Solonor Tower.
Long ago, Denaini was a young acolyte training to be a priestess of the Hand of the Seldarine. She spent most of her time in the shrine of Solonor Tower.
When the Hand fell, Larrel's failed attempt to place a protective mythal around the fortress caused Denaini and the other inhabitants to turn into undead shadowed elves.
Unlike most of the others, Denaini has retained her sanity and recognizes her own undead state. However, in her current form she is physically powerless to put the other shadowed elves out of her misery.
If you talk to her and assure her you that have no intention of desecrating this tower, you can get two optional side-quests from her:
Asking her about... | Leads to the quest... |
the other priests in this tower | Putting spirits to rest: Solonor Tower priests (24,000 exp) |
the elven shrine | Restoring the elven shrine (52,500 exp) |
If you ask her about the Hand itself, she tells you about its history and how it turned into its current state.