Entangle is a level 1 spell from the Priest Scroll in Icewind Dale.
Creatures that have what the game code calls a "personal space" (represented by the circle under a character) value of 3 or higher are immune to the effects of this spell. So, for example, while a Druid is affected in their normal form or in some shapeshift forms, they become immune once changed into Fire/Earth/Water Elemental forms or the Avenger's Sword Spider form (despite having a small "personal space" value, the Baby Wyvern form is also immune, but it's due to the form itself having immunity to Entangle).
“ | When this spell is cast, grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about any creatures within the area of effect, holding them fast for the duration of the spell. A successful Save vs. Spell avoids entanglement. Entangled creatures can still attack, even though they cannot move. | ” |
Spell scroll[]
External links[]
- Entangle article on the Baldur's Gate Wiki, a wiki for the Baldur's Gate games.
- Entangle article on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms