Icewind Dale Wiki

Getting additional funding for your dwarven expedition is an optional interaction in chapter 6b of the game.

Quick walkthrough[]

  1. Talk to one of the unnamed townspersons in Frozen Easthaven with a dwarf party member.


During chapter 6b, talk to a character in Frozen Easthaven whose tooltip reads "townsperson" (it doesn't matter which one).

If your speaking party member is a dwarf, and you did the Getting funding for a dwarven expedition interaction during the prologue, the townsperson now asks you about the return on their investment. Instead of paying them, you can convince them to make a second contribution. They give you:

Dialog path

Hey... I remember you—you're part of that dwarven expedition looking to find those old dwarven citadels, right? Easthaven's not much to look at now, I'm afraid.

Expedition? Oh, yeah, the expedition to reclaim the dwarven citadels... in all the confusion, I'd, uh, forgotten.

So do I get a return on my investment? I did lend you that gem a while back, if you recall.

Sorry, we didn't find any old dwarven citadels brimming with treasure—just old dwarven citadels.
[OR] I'd pay you back, but I don't have enough coins on me at the moment.

Just my luck. You'd think I'd crossed Tymora the way life's been throwing "fortunes" at me lately. No matter, then. It was a risk. At least I still have my life.

You know, we're thinking about, er... mounting one last expedition into that crystal tower and taking the, uh, treasure within—though we could use a little help, if you have any extra gear you could give us. We could, uh, pay you back later.

Really? Hmm. Well, I... hmm. All right, by the Hells. I was saving these for my escape and for making it through the miles of icy passes outside of Kuldahar, but I think I could part with them. I, uh, found them in Hrothgar's House before the giants attacked.

You can only do this once.
