The magic on this formerly functioning bag is failing, and no new items can be placed into it. However, shaking the bag causes various items to fall out of it.
Appears as loot in[]
Charged item. Shaking the bag furiously causes items to fall out of it.
Using the item via quickslot three, quickly pausing, quickly saving, and quickly reloading the game preserves the item in a bugged state. In this bugged state, the item will remain as a consumable with zero charges in the inventory and can be moved around between inventories. When used, a system message "This item is spent" will appear, and the bag will disappear.
Moreover, if the player is a Jester they'll acquire a second item when using the bag, from a separate table featuring almost completely different loot.
“ | A bag of holding is an ordinary bag that has been enchanted so that the interior of the bag opens on a nondimensional space. This nondimensional space is considerably larger than the interior of the bag and allows the user to store and retrieve objects without becoming encumbered. Bags such as these are rare and are especially useful for adventurers for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, the magic on this bag is failing, and any attempt to put an item into the bag fails. However, violently shaking the bag seems to cause various items to fall out of it. | ” |