Icewind Dale Wiki

Kaylessa is a shadowed elf, and former weapons master of the Hand of the Seldarine.


She walks around on floor 1 of Shevarash Tower in the Severed Hand.


As weapons master, she trained many warriors of the Hand of the Seldarine in the art of combat with sword and bow.

When the Hand fell to an orc and goblin invasion, she and many other inhabitants were turned into undead shadowed elves by Larrel's failed attempt to place a protective mythal.

Unlike most of the other shadowed elves, Kaylessa has retained her sanity and recognizes that she is undead. She misses being alive and going out on missions, and longs to be relieved of her cursed existence. She also pities her soldiers who lost their minds when they became shadowed elves.


You can talk to her and ask her about herself, about Larrel, and about the astrolabe.

Asking about the astrolabe leads to her giving you the quest:

Putting spirits to rest: Kaylessa's soldiers (52,500 exp)

Once you have completed her quest and reported back to her, she gives you no choice but to kill her - after which you can pick up her loot.

(Alternatively, if you don't want the experience from the quest, you can simply attack and kill her to get the loot.)
