- "Rock Eaters" They are Not!
- A Cage of Exotic Birds
- A Cage of Squirrels
- A bottle for Old Jed
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
- Ability Scores
- Abjuration
- Absolute Immunity
- Accalia
- Accepting a blessing
- Acid Arrow +1
- Acid Storm
- Acid damage
- Adran Runeshadow
- Agannazar's Scorcher
- Aid
- Aihonen
- Alamion +3
- Albion
- Aldwin
- Aldwin's claim
- Alicorn Lance
- Alignment
- Alteration
- Amaunator's Legacy +3
- Amelia
- Amulet of Metaspell Influence
- An ogre with a headache
- Ancient Lore on Corellon Larethian
- Ancient Lore on Labelas Enoreth
- Ancient Lore on Sehanine Moonbow
- Ancient Lore on Shevarash
- Ancient Lore on Solonor Thelandira
- Andar Gem
- Animal Summoning I
- Animals Are Your Friend
- Animate Dead
- Animate Dead (arcane)
- Animate Dead (divine)
- Antidote
- Antimagic Shell
- Applebane +1
- Apsel
- Apsel's Dagger
- Apsel's wolf problem
- Apsel's workshop
- Aquamarine Gem
- Aquatic Museum
- Aquatic Museum, basement foyer
- Aquatic Museum, library
- Aquatic Museum, main floor
- Arakon
- Arboretum
- Arcane spell scroll availability
- Archdruid
- Area of Effect
- Armor (spell)
- Armor Class
- Armor of Faith
- Armored Skeleton
- Arriving in Easthaven
- Arrow
- Arrow +1
- Arrow +2
- Arrow of Biting +1
- Arrow of Fire +1
- Arrow of Ice +1
- Arrow of Piercing +3
- Arrow of the Hand +2
- Arundel
- Arundel's home
- Astrolabe
- Attacks Per Round
- Auril
- Avalanche at Kuldahar Pass
- Axe of Caged Souls +3
- Axe of the Minotaur Lord +4
- Badge of the Brave
- Baldur's Gate
- Baldur's Gate (game)
- Baldur's Gate II
- Baleful Mail +2
- Bandoth
- Bandoth's Tower
- Barbarian Camp
- Bard
- Bardic Horn of Valhalla
- Barkskin
- Barrel of Holy Water
- Barrel of Pure Water
- Barrier Amulet
- Basic Helmets (Icewind Dale)
- Bastard Sword
- Bastard Sword +1
- Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters
- Bastard Sword +2: Conflagration
- Bastard Sword +2: Life Giver
- Bastard Sword +3: Defender
- Bastard Sword +3: Incinerator
- Bastard Sword of Action +1
- Bastard Sword of Greater Phasing +3
- Bathed-In-Blood +4
- Battle Axe
- Battle Axe +1
- Battle Axe +2
- Battle Axe +2: Defender
- Battle Axe +3: Fatigue
- Battle of Jerrod's Stone
- Beamdog
- Beast Claw
- Below & Below Inn
- Below & Below Inn walkthrough
- Beltyn's Burning Blood
- Benorg's Truth +3
- Berserker Darts
- Beshaba
- Bhaal's Fire +3
- Bigby's Clenched Fist
- Bigby's Crushing Hand
- BioWare
- Black Blade of Disaster
- Black Dragon Scale
- Black Isle Studios
- Black Knight
- Black Swan Armor +2
- Black Wolf Talisman
- Bless
- Blinding Dart +2
- Blindness
- Blood Iron +4
- Blood Rage
- Blood of the Gloomfrost +4
- Blur
- Blur Deck
- Boatbuilder's home
- Bolt
- Bolt +1
- Bolt +2
- Bolt of Biting +1
- Bolt of Lightning +1
- Bolt of Sekolah's Fire
- Bone Kris of Black Ichor +2
- Bonecleaver +1
- Boots of Moander
- Boots of Stealth
- Boots of the Fox
- Boots of the Many Paths
- Boots of the North
- Bottle of Wine
- Bracers
- Bracers of Defense A.C. 6
- Bracers of Defense A.C. 8
- Bracers of Icelandic Pearl
- Breach
- Breath of Auril +3
- Bren Muller's Crossbow
- Briath's Journal
- Briath Silverhand
- Bridge between Shevarash Tower and Labelas Tower
- Broken Armor
- Broken Tower (Kuldahar Pass)
- Brother Ferg
- Brother Gus
- Brother Perdiem's Badge
- Buckler
- Bullet
- Bullet +1
- Bullet +2
- Bullets of Fire +2
- Burial Isle
- Burning Hands
- Cacofiend
- Caer-Dineval
- Cairn Blade +4
- Call Lightning
- Call Woodland Beings
- Callarduran Smoothhands
- Cancerous Bastard Sword +4
- Canyon (Kuldahar Pass)
- Carrion Summons
- Cartwright's house
- Casting Time
- Castle Maluradek
- Castle Maluradek, courtyard
- Cat's Grace
- Cause Disease
- Cause Light Wounds
- Cause Moderate Wounds
- Cause Serious Wounds
- Chain Contingency
- Chain Lightning
- Chain Mail
- Chain Mail +1
- Chain Mail +2
- Challenging Presio to a duel
- Championing the worship of Ilmater
- Championing the worship of nature
- Chant
- Chaos
- Chaos Dagger +3
- Chaos Shield
- Chaotic
- Chaotic Evil
- Chaotic Good
- Chaotic Neutral
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6a
- Chapter 6b
- Character Record
- Character attribute
- Character stats
- Characteristic
- Charged Battle Axe +2
- Charisma
- Charm Person
- Charm Person or Mammal
- Chautog's Thinker
- Chill Touch
- Chris Avellone
- Chromatic Orb
- Chromatic Orb (avenger)
- Churin
- Circle of Bones
- Clairvoyance
- Clasp of Bron's Cloak
- Cleric
- Cloak of Fear
- Cloak of the Winter Wolf
- Cloud of Pestilence
- Cloudburst
- Cloudkill
- Club
- Code of Training in the Seldarine's Hand
- Cold damage
- Color Spray
- Command
- Commanding Malavon's golems
- Composite Longbow
- Composite Longbow +1
- Composite Longbow of the Hand
- Cone of Cold
- Confronting Revered Brother Poquelin
- Confronting the king of the Vale of Shadows
- Confusion
- Confusion (arcane)
- Confusion Arrow +3
- Conjuration/Summoning
- Conjure Air Elemental
- Conjure Earth Elemental
- Conjure Fire Elemental
- Conjure Water Elemental
- Conlan
- Conlan's Hammer +1, +4 vs. iron golems
- Conlan's Key
- Conlan's Smithy
- Conlan's son
- Constitution
- Contact Other Plane
- Contagion
- Contingency
- Coordinates
- Corellon Larethian
- Corellon Tower
- Corellon Tower, floor 1
- Corellon Tower, floor 2
- Corellon Tower, floor 3
- Corrosive Hammer +2
- Cradle of Mielikki +1
- Crazy Goblin Marshal
- Crenshinibon
- Cristiana Knight
- Crooked Flail +1
- Crushing damage
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Cure Disease
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Medium Wounds
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Curse
- Custhantos
- Cyclocone
- Cynicism +4
- Dagger
- Dagger +1
- Dagger +2
- Dagger +2, Longtooth
- Dagger of Safe Harbor +3
- Dagger of Venom +2
- Daisy +3
- Damage
- Damien
- Damien's fish
- Darig's Rest +2
- Darkened Glory +2
- Dart
- Dart +1
- Dart of Stunning +1
- Dart of Wounding +1
- Darts of Bone
- Davin
- Dazer
- Dead Cat
- Dead God's Dreaming +4, +6 vs. good
- Dead Man's Face
- Deafness
- Death Fog
- Death Spell
- Death Ward
- Debian's Rod of Smiting +3
- Decastave
- Deep Red Ioun Stone
- Defeating the final boss
- Defensive Harmony
- Deity
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Delivering a list of supplies to Pomab
- Demi-Shadow Monsters
- Demon's Breath +3
- Denaini
- Destroyed Winter's Cradle Tavern
- Destroying Terikan
- Detect Evil
- Detect Evil (arcane)
- Detect Evil (divine)
- Detect Illusion (spell)
- Detect Invisibility
- Dexterity
- Diary of Evayne
- Difficulty level
- Dimension Door
- Dire Charm
- Discovering the fate of Larrel's daughter
- Disease
- Diseased Halberd +1
- Disintegrate
- Dispel Magic
- Dispel Magic (arcane)
- Dispel Magic (divine)
- Disturbances in the pass
- Divination