Icewind Dale Wiki

Restoring the arboretum is an optional side-quest that spans multiple chapters.

Quick walkthrough[]

  1. Talk to Valestis in the arboretum of the Severed Hand.
    (chapter 3+)
  2. Find pure water, seeds, exotic birds, and squirrels.
    (chapter 5 and 6a)
  3. Deliver each item to Valestis.


In the ruined arboretum at the top of Corellon Tower (officers tower) of the Severed Hand, you can talk to the undead elf Valestis.

He asks you to help him return life and beauty to the arboretum, by bringing him:

  • "pure water"
  • "seeds that can flourish in the harshest of places"
  • "small animals seeking a new home"

This corresponds to four in-game items that you can find in later chapters:

Item Location Reward when
Barrel of Holy Water icon HOLYWAT Barrel of Pure Water

chapter 5Wyrm's Tooth:

loot from hut at (2500, 1600) in Kontik's camp in the Frost Giant Caves
120,000 exp
Seeds icon Seeds

chapter 6aLower Dorn's Deep:

loot from table at (2150, 850) in Malavon's Dome
150,000 exp
A Cage of Exotic Birds icon A Cage of Exotic Birds

chapter 6aLower Dorn's Deep:

buy from Nym in the Hidden Gnome Camp
84,000 exp
A Cage of Squirrels icon A Cage of Squirrels

chapter 6aLower Dorn's Deep:

buy from Nym in the Hidden Gnome Camp
84,000 exp

You can acquire all four items. The last two are a bit tricky, because Nym runs away forever if you accuse him of his past misdeeds. You can only get those two items if you ask him to show you his store before you do that.

When you have found one or more of the items, return to Valestis in the arboretum and talk to him again with the items in your inventory. He takes the items and gives you the corresponding experience rewards. (You can come back later and do the same with any remaining items.)

Each delivered item also causes a visual change to the arboretum level – for example, the seeds add vegetation to the previously empty flower beds.

Once you have delivered all four items, the arboretum is considered fully restored and Valestis disappears as he can now finally rest in peace.

