Icewind Dale Wiki

Floor 4 of Solonor Tower (priests tower) is the former priest quarters.


Long ago, before the fall of the Hand of the Seldarine, the priests of the Hand lived here.


Staircase: back down to floor 3


The level has 6 hostile creatures:

Creature type Count Loot
Shadowed Elven Acolyte (lvl 6) 4 -
Shadowed Elven Cleric (lvl 7) 2 -

Each time you rest here, up to 3 additional acolytes (lvl 6) can spawn.


No traps or ambushes.

Lootable containers[]

Container Content
chest at (740, 800)
in bottom-right room
chest at (900, 800)
in bottom-right room
crate at (1080, 540)
in right room
crate at (830, 300)
in top-right room
  • 1 scroll of Protection from Fire
  • 1 Potion of Absorption
  • 1 gem
    • Waterstar Gem (20% chance)
    • Ziose Gem (20% chance)
    • Chrysoberyl Gem (20% chance)
    • Star Diopside Gem (20% chance)
    • Shandon Gem (20% chance)
shelf at (550, 200)
in top-left room
chest at (250, 500)
in left room