Icewind Dale Wiki

This is a walkthrough for the quest added to Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition by Lava Del'Vortel's mod Tale of Our Lady Dreamless.

How to get there[]

Loot the "Old Book" from the priestess of Auril[spoiler!] in the Vale of Shadows portion of chapter 1.
This marks "Frozen Pond" on your worldmap, south of Kuldahar.

Travel to the "Frozen Pond" via the worldmap, to arrive at:

Pond of the Drowned[]

Tale of Our Lady Dreamless mod outdoors map

When you first arrive here, you briefly meet a "Travelling dwarf" who is running away from the pond and tells you to stay away as well. Ignore him.

Feel free to kill the hostile Winter Wolves on this map, and loot the two containers for minor treasure.

Optionally talk to the friendly barbarian shaman To'okon in the bottom-right corner, to learn some vague background info about the area. Apparently, some fantastical power has been luring people here and causing them to drown.

Use either of the two cave openings in the top-left corner of the map, to enter the:

Mural cave[]

Tale of Our Lady Dreamless mod murals map

The walls of this two-room cave are covered in murals. Three of the murals are interactible, so click them:

  • Map mural:
    The turquoise mural (in the left room at (400, 500)) depicts a map of the lower caverns, and instructions for unlocking the way there.
    • Clicking this twice grants 1000 exp, and unlocks the crack in the ice outdoors.
  • Shrimp mural:
    The yellow mural (in the left room at (600, 450)) depicts a giant shrimp.
    • Clicking this only brings up a description.
  • Gifts mural:
    The purple mural (in the right room at (1250, 200)) shows people bringing gifts to "the Lady".
    • Clicking this brings up a description, and unlocks an additional dialog option with To'okon outdoors.

Back outdoors[]

Tale of Our Lady Dreamless mod screenshot

the crack in the ice

Talk to To'okon, and choose the newly-unlocked dialog option[1] to ask about the gifts mural. You learn that "the Lady" is the power governing this area, and that she used to be caring before she turned murderous. (While learning this is optional, it opens up a non-violent solution to the quest later on.)

Now walk to the center of the frozen lake, and click the large crack in the ice. A cutscene ensues, in which the party performs the ritual they learned from the map mural to open up a pit (2500 exp).
Click the rope that hangs into the pit, to descend to:

Frozen grotto[]

Tale of Our Lady Dreamless mod frozen grotto map

Make your way past the hostile drowned men[2] here, and optionally pick up the "Shrimp"[3] (which has a use back above ground, see below) from the lootable container.

Take the bottom-left exit to get to:

Our Lady Dreamless[]

Tale of Our Lady Dreamless mod lady map

Step forward to meet Our Lady Dreamless, who has the form of a Wailing Virgin. She initiates conversation. There are two ways this can go:

  • CHOICE: Fight the Lady

    Most dialog paths lead to her turning hostile.
    This is a very difficult battle if you came here with a low-level party.

    At the start of combat she summons 9 drowned men, and instantly protects herself with Mirror Image, Spell Turning, and Seven Eyes. The drowned men are the real threat here, since they hit hard and have innate damage resistance.

    Killing her is worth 9600 exp, and each of the drowned men 2000 exp.

  • CHOICE: Help the Lady

    If you learned about the Lady's past (by talking to To'okon about the gifts mural earlier), then you can eventually choose the dialog option "I know what happened. [...]" and then promise that you will try to find a way to heal the lake's water.

    She gives you an "Ice Samle"[4], and lets you go without a fight.

    Take this ice sample back to Kuldahar, and there show it to Oswald Fiddlebender. He keeps the sample, and gives you a letter describing a special bottle he needs to hold the remedy.

    Take the letter to Orrick the Gray, and he gives you the botte[5]. Bring it back to Oswald, to get the "Mixture in a Ghost-Touched Bottle"[6].

    Bring this mixture back to Our Lady Dreamless. This calms the spirits of the lake, and lifts the corruption off the Lady. She thanks you, and rewards you with a magic lantern[7] that can be equipped in the shield slot.

You can loot the crack in the wall at (650, 300) in the Lady's room for a magical spear[8].

Wrapping up[]

Remember that shrimp you found in the Frozen grotto? Enter the murals cave again, and place the shrimp into the empty container below the shrimp mural. It disappears, and in its place appears a magic scimitar[9] that you can loot.

Report back to To'okon on the outdoors map. He leaves forever, and you get:

  • 5000 exp per party member, if you killed the Lady.
  • 8000 exp per party member, if you helped the Lady.


  1. "I saw a mural of some people holding gifts [...]"
  2. "Weaker Drowned Man", kill reward 2000 exp each
  3. quest item (item code L#UFSHR)
  4. quest item (item code L#UFICE)
  5. "Ghost-Touched Bottle" (item code L#UFBTE)
  6. quest item (item code L#UFBTF)
  7. "Dreamless Lantern" (item code L#uflan)
  8. "Ice-Forged Memory +2" (item code L#UFSPE)
  9. "The Sky Shrimp" (item code L#UFSHS)