Icewind Dale Wiki

Telanis Songbender is a shadowed elf and former elven bard.


He stands in the festhall (the south-west room) of level 4 of the Severed Hand.


Long ago, he was a minstrel of the Hand of the Seldarine. His performances included singing, playing the lute, and telling stories.

When the Hand fell to the orc and goblin horde, he and many other inhabitants were turned into undead shadowed elves as a result of Larrel's failed attempt to place a protective mythal over the fortress.

Unlike most of the others, he has retained his mind and recognizes that he is undead.


When you talk to him, he introduces himself and boasts about his artistic skills.

He sings two songs about the history of the Hand of the Seldarine for you, if you ask him:

  • "The tale of Larrel"

    In time of growth,
    Did the elves deem so,
    That a haven in the north be made

    They searched for one,
    Strong of Mind,
    Strong of Will,
    To bear this burdensome task

    Though the wizards were many
    And diligence all had,
    One of wisdom they found,
    Larrel shined above all

    Ride did he,
    Across frozen lands,
    Ascending the peaks,
    In the Spine of the World
    Beasts did he battle,

    And darkest of hordes,
    Forthright in his quest,
    Larrel conquered all

    Winters came,
    Winters went,
    Through darkest cold night,
    The one pushed through

    In midst of this tundra,
    A place he did find,
    Home for the elves,
    Larrel did crown.

  • "The tale of the elves and the dwarves"

    In time of strife
    Against the dark horde,
    A friend we found
    In the ones short and stout.

    United as one,
    Our forces did fight;
    In battle we charged
    And drove the dark back.

    We danced and we drank
    With victory in hand
    An old enemy vanquished
    A new ally behind

    Agreement both made
    To craft items of light
    Weapons of Might
    Artifacts of Power

    For years upon years
    Our bond remained strong
    In times of prosperity
    Even in adversity

    When the darkness returned
    Its form we were blind
    The dwarves had betrayed us
    Weapons given to orc-kind

    Knife in back
    Deception instead of friendship
    That is what dwarves give
    To those of elvenkind

EE only:

If you have the relevant items, Telanis can help you upgrade The Sword of Myrloch Vale +3 by singing The Ballad of Daen Winterbrush (see that article for details).